Tumml company Hive Lighting has introduced its new ultra efficient LED light, the WASP 100-C. And it's available now on Kickstarter! The Wasp 100-C represents the next generation of energy-efficient lighting – whether you're an aspiring indie filmmaker, a video blogger, or a news photographer, the WASP 100-C offers the lighting you need to take your work to the next level.

And don't forget to join us at SPUR on December 5th for a roundtable on The Future of Clean Energy in Cities. The panel will feature the five startup winners of Tumml's Urban Clean Energy Prize, and an in-depth discussion about launching innovative solutions to urban problems. Reserve your tickets here!

You can read more updates from Tumml here, as well as stories we're following. For example, The Washington Post evaluates the merits of "tactical urbanism."